Mega Mona Lisa is the largest open collection of Mona Lisa pictures, where you can explore hundreds of Mona Lisa parodies,improvements, collages or just funny pictures related to Mona Lisa. Everyone can contribute to the collection, or just votefor the best picture. Leonardo da Vinci would certainly be excited.
Mega Mona Lisa是最大的蒙娜丽莎图片公开收藏,在这里你可以探索数百幅蒙娜丽莎的模仿、改进、拼贴或只是与蒙娜丽莎有关的有趣图片。每个人都可以为这个系列贡献力量,或者只是为最好的图片献计献策。莱昂纳多·达芬奇肯定会很兴奋。