Trading Economics provides its users with accurate information for 196 countries including historical data and forecasts for more than 20 million economic indicators, exchange rates, stock market indexes, government bond yields and commodity prices. Our data is based on official sources, not third party data providers, and our facts are regularly checked for inconsistencies. Trading Economics has received more than 1 billion page views from more than 200 countries.
Trading Economics 为其用户提供 196 个国家/地区的准确信息,包括超过 2000 万个经济指标、汇率、股票市场指数、政府债券收益率和商品价格的历史数据和预测。我们的数据基于官方来源,而不是第三方数据提供商,并且我们会定期检查我们的事实是否存在不一致之处。Trading Economics 已收到来自 200 多个国家/ 地区的超过10 亿次页面浏览量。