RSS Box订阅源

RSS Box订阅源

该网站允许您订阅不支持 RSS 的网站的 RSS 提要,方法是使用相应网站的 API,然后将该数据转换为 RSS 提要。


This website lets you subscribe to RSS feeds for websites that do not support RSS themselves, by using the respective website’s API and then translating that data to RSS feeds.

If you get a page saying “Application error”, then simply try again. This website resolves shortlink URLs to give the reader a better experience, and embeds linked content directly into the RSS feed. You will get this error if this takes longer than the web server allows.

Some websites, like YouTube, support RSS feeds but they are quite hard to find, so this website will provide the URL.

该网站允许您订阅不支持 RSS 的网站的 RSS 提要,方法是使用相应网站的 API,然后将该数据转换为 RSS 提要。

如果您看到一个页面显示“应用程序错误”,那么只需再试一次。本网站解析短链接 URL,为读者提供更好的体验,并将链接内容直接嵌入到 RSS 提要中。如果这比 Web 服务器允许的时间长,您将收到此错误。

一些网站,如 YouTube,支持 RSS 提要,但很难找到,所以这个网站会提供 URL。


