
Online Etymology Dictionary


This is a map of the wheel-ruts of modern English. Etymologies are not definitions; they’re explanations of what our words meant and how they sounded 600 or 2,000 years ago.

这是一张现代英语的车辙地图。词源不是定义;它们解释了我们的话的含义以及它们在 600 或 2000 年前的发音。
The dates beside a word indicate the earliest year for which there is a surviving written record of that word (in English, unless otherwise indicated). This should be taken as approximate, especially before about 1700, since a word may have been used in conversation for hundreds of years before it turns up in a manuscript that has had the good fortune to survive the centuries.

单词旁边的日期表示该单词存在书面记录的最早年份(英文,除非另有说明)。这应该被视为近似值,尤其是在大约 1700 年之前,因为一个词可能已经在对话中使用了数百年,然后才出现在有幸幸存几个世纪的手稿中。
The basic sources of this work are Weekley’s “An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English,” Klein’s “A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language,” “Oxford English Dictionary” (second edition), “Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology,” Holthausen’s “Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Englischen Sprache,” and Kipfer and Chapman’s “Dictionary of American Slang.” A full list of print sources used in this compilation can be found here.

这部著作的基本来源是威克利的《现代英语词源词典》、克莱因的《英语语言的综合词源词典》、《牛津英语词典》(第二版)、《巴恩哈特词源词典》、霍尔特豪森的《词源沃特布赫》 der Englischen Sprache”,以及 Kipfer 和 Chapman 的“美国俚语词典”。可以在此处找到本汇编中使用的打印源的完整列表。


